How to open a bank account in the UAE
Simplified Banking: Your Handbook for Setting Up a Bank Account in the UAE Opening a bank account in the UAE involves a series of steps and the submission of specific documents. To assist you through this process, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide for a hassle-free experience. STEP 1: ARRANGING DOCUMENTS To open a bank account in the UAE, you’ll need the following documents: Also note that, above mentioned list is exhaustive and requirements of documents will vary on case to case basis. STEP 2: SUBMITTING DOCUMENTS After arranging the required documents as per the business activity, organization structure, nationality of partners/owner/directors etc. above documents will have to be forwarded to the concerned bank for further processing and approval. STEP 3: REVIEW BY BANK After submission of documents, bank will review all the documents and do all necessary scanning process relating to business activity along with nationality of owner/directors. If after reviewing, bank requires any further additional details or documents then we have to submit the same. STEP 4: ACTIVATION OF BANK ACCOUNT When review is completed, bank may require to visit the office or business place for verification purpose. If not, then bank will active the bank account and share the account details with the authorized person on his registered contact details. We at AB CAPITAL SERVICES can help you with the above seamlessly and efficiently in minimum practical time. If you require any assistance or guidance in opening a bank account, feel free to reach out to us. Email: info@abcapital.aeor Phone: +971 523655193