FTA Certified Tax Agency 

TAN 30008239

Calculate the deadline for submitting your tax registration application in real-time

⚠️ The UAE Minsitry has stated that an administrative penalty of AED 10,000 will be issued for late registration of Corporate Tax. This tax penalty will be imposed on businesses that don’t submit their corporate tax registration applications within the timelines specified by the Federal Tax Authority.

License and Tax Deadline Widget

Date of License Issuance

Select a date:

How to submit your tax registration application?

  • Step 1

    Use the calculator above to enter the date of your business license issuance.

  • Step 2

    Check the deadline of submitting tax registration application.

  • Step 3

    Click on "Submit Tax Registration Application" and let AB Capital Services make your business compliant with UAE's corporate tax regulations.

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